Writing Characters with Disabilities: Notes from When Words Collide
I had the honor of being a guest speaker/panelist on the subject of writing characters with disabilities at When Words Collide 2024. As someone recently diagnosed with (what is called) an “invisible disability,” and who constantly seeks to find the balance between an older, gritty noir style and an approach that is also inclusive and fitting for the 21st century, I was most pleased to be there. I have as much to learn as I do to share.
Here are some resources that helped me so far.
Writing Characters with Disabilities:
Five Rules For Creating Disabled Characters (thewritingplatform.com)
Some good rules by Canadian Writer Adam Pottle. Lots of key takeaways including: “make your character more than a disability.”
How to fail at writing disabled characters – Daan Katz
7 Steps to Writing Awesome Characters With Disabilities – Daan Katz
Great insights and examples of well-published fails in the opinion of disabled writer
Daan Katz.
The Dos and Don’ts of Writing About the Disabled ‹ Literary Hub (lithub.com)
Lit Hub is always a solid resource for writers and this article has lots of good stuff including a key thought: Do not assume that empathy equals experience. You might think you know what it’s like, but you don’t.
This is the only podcast I listen to and if you start at Season 1, you’ll have the equivalent
of a university degree in writing by the time you’re done (there’s a lot of seasons).
Disability-related Episodes:
Writing Excuses 9.46: Disability in Narrative | Writing Excuses
17.42: Eight Embodied Episodes About Disability | Writing Excuses
17.43: Bodies. Why? (Depicting Disability) | Writing Excuses
17.44: Bodies, Why? (Part II: Working Through Disability) | Writing Excuses
17.45: Bodies, Tech, and Character | Writing Excuses
17.46: Monstrous Awakening | Writing Excuses
17.47: The Linguistics of Disability | Writing Excuses
17.48: Bodies, Why? (Part III) | Writing Excuses
17.49: Bodies Are Magical | Writing Excuses
Questions? Opinions? Contact me. But be nice, please?