New comic with soundtrack!

My dream is to someday make a Heavy Metal-type movie where I also write and play the soundtrack. But who’s got the time and money (and talent) to do that? Lots of people but not me (yet)! In the meantime, music and comics together, that I can do! Expanding on my pictureword illustrated novella series, I now present to you Son of a Bullfighter’s Ghost.

A matador and a young Spanish woman are so in love, they conceive a child after he dies in the ring. A tale of heartbreak, shame, revenge and destruction follows with a twist ending not apparent in the song lyrics.

It’s an eight-page 45-record-sized comic, complete with two songs on a 7-inch record and a download code for those of you that don’t carry a turntable everywhere you go.

You can read more about it in the comics and music sections of this very website!

To order Son of a Bullfighter’s Ghost, go here: