New comic with soundtrack!

My dream is to someday make a Heavy Metal-type movie where I also write and play the soundtrack. But who’s got the time and money (and talent) to do that? Lots of people but not me (yet)! In the meantime, music and comics together, that I can do! Expanding on my pictureword illustrated novella series, I now present to you Son of a Bullfighter’s Ghost. … Continue reading New comic with soundtrack!

Accolades for Futility & other comic news

Futility has a new home! Our pals at The Seventh Terrace are now the proud (we hope) purveyors of Futility. Our latest, Orange Planet Horror was not only our (us being artist Cam Hayden and myself) first full-length graphic novel, it also earned us an Aurora nomination for Best Graphic Novel by the Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Association. This is kinda old news but, … Continue reading Accolades for Futility & other comic news